Training Times – Post Election; where now?

Training Times - Post ElectionTraining Times – Post Election – where now for education?

The June edition of Training Times is now in schools, with a spotlight on the general election and Herts for Learning’s Schools’ (HfL) HR team.   The online version can be found at:

This HfL monthly newspaper has something for governors and staff based in schools, whether looking for a little light reading on current educational news or for courses to further your professional development.

This edition includes:

  • HfL governor roadshows –
    6th, 9th, 15th, 27th & 29th June;
  • General election 2015 – where now for education?
    “This month HfL spoke with some of Hertfordshire’s leaders to hear their impact of the result for schools.”
  • Schools’ HR – how can this team support you?
    “The Schools’ HR advisory service provides specialist professional advice and support for headteachers and governors on all aspects of employment law.”
  • Research from HfL’s new Education Policy and Practice Intern, Jasleen Dhillon-
    Analysis of Finnish education;
  • Hertfordshire schools’ news and much more!

If your Chair of governors would like to receive extra copies for the governing body please get in touch.  HfL welcome any feedback or content suggestions for future editions.   Please contact their Journalist Jessica Broadbent at with your feedback or if you would like your school to be included.

New Approaches to Assessment

Herts for Learning - AssessmentNew Approaches to Assessment

Herts for Learning (HfL) recently undertook briefings on the their new Assessment Framework for Primary Schools. It was presented to over 400 school Governors. Ben Fuller’s 45 minute briefing is now available for wider viewing and can be seen below:

This presentation addresses the following key themes:

  • why have ‘levels’ gone?
  • how will children be assessed in statutory national assessments without levels?
  • how might schools track pupil progress without levels?
  • what information could governors expect to see to support them with the task of holding the school leadership to account?

(Alternate link –

For further information of the HfL approach to Assessment please review the download below or contact Ben Fuller, Lead Assessment Adviser, Herts For Learning Ltd., by email on


Governor Recruitment Roadshow

Kathy Dunnett Vice Chair of HASG and Mayor of Broxbourne
Kathy Dunnett Vice Chair of HASG and Mayor of Broxbourne
Vice Chair of HASG MP Broxbourne and interested volunteer
Vice Chair of HASG MP Broxbourne and interested volunteer

Governor Recruitment Roadshow Comes to Cheshunt – 16th May, Wolsey Hall.

Schools and Academies in the Cheshunt, Broxbourne and Waltham Cross areas were rallied with the support of the Hertfordshire Association of School Governors (HASG) to recruit people for their governing bodies. They held a successful Governor Recruitment Roadshow Event at the Wolsey Hall last Saturday 16th May. This was one of a series of events which will take place throughout May and June in other areas across Hertfordshire.

The national organisation which supports governor recruitment – School Governors One Stop Shop (SGOSS) and the local governance team from Herts for Learning also supported the event. The Mayor of Broxbourne Mayor, Cllr Mrs Bren Perryman attended in the morning and local MP Charles Walker during the afternoon (both pictured right), and both were delighted to meet experienced and potential governors from the locality.

Mike Scandrett, Chair of the Hertfordshire Association of School Governors stated…

Being a Governor is not just about attending meetings.  It is much more about being part of your local school and local community while making a contribution towards the development and learning of young people who are the citizens of tomorrow.  Governors are there to ensure that schools are run well, to shape their future and that children thrive and enjoy learning.  Being part of that is a reward in itself.  Be proud to be a Governor.  I am.

As a school governor you are part of the strategic leadership team for the school. You will steer the school vision, aims and objectives, ensure financial best value and support and enable the staff to provide an excellent learning environment. Could you be a school governor?

  • If you have the time and commitment to help improve the education of the pupils in your chosen school
  • If you are prepared to attend governors’ meetings and visit the school
  • If you are prepared to attend training to ensure that you fully understand your role

Then you would make an ideal school or academy governor!

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a school or academy governor, please try and attend the events at Stevenage on the 6th June at the council offices by the bus station and 27th June at Hemel Hempstead in the volunteer centre at Marlowes Shopping Centre.

Mike Scandrett, Chair of HASG

Training Times – December 2014

Training Times Dec 2014Training Times – December 2014 Edition

The final, Festive, Training Times of the autumn term is in schools with a spotlight on Herts for Learning’s Early Years team.  The link to the on-line version can be found at, or click the picture.

See page 7 for the HASG Outstanding Governors of the Year as awarded in November!  Other articles are on CPD, HfL’s Parent2Parent ® programme, Website refresh, Funding for Closing Gaps, the North Herts Transition Project and selected school news.

This HfL monthly newspaper has something for governors and staff based in schools, whether looking for a little light reading on current educational news or for courses to further your professional development.  It aims to keep you up to date with what’s on offer from HfL, to share news from local schools, explore current issues from the education sector and to inform you a little more about your Schools’ Company – who we are and what we do.

Extra copies or feedback?

If your chair of governors would like to receive extra copies for the governing body please get in touch. We welcome any feedback or content suggestions for future editions.

Please contact our journalist Jessica Broadbent at your feedback or if you would like your school to be included.

Embedding British Values & more

Herts for Learning - Closing GapsEmbedding British Values…

… is the Headline Article for the recent edition of Training Times now out in schools, reporting on HfL’s first National Conference held on 3rd December 2014, focussing on “preparing young people for life in modern Britain” and opened by Sir Trevor McDonald OBE.

This bumper January/February edition also spotlights HfL’s Financial Services for Schools team, reports on some upcoming events and a comprehensive training programme overview, as well as numerous news updates and introducing HfL’s new Coaching Service.  The link to the online version is:

This Herts fro Learning (HfL) monthly newspaper has something for governors and staff based in schools, whether looking for a little light reading on current educational news or for courses to further your professional development. It aims to keep you up to date with what’s on offer from HfL, to share news from local schools, explore current issues from the education sector and to inform you a little more about your Schools’ Company – who we are and what we do.

If you are in a Hertfordshire school and your chair of governors would like to receive extra copies for the governing body please get in touch with Jessica Broadbent at with your feedback or if you would like your school to be included.


Primary PE Conference 2015

Herts for Learning - Primary PE ConferenceYouth-Sport-Trust

Primary PE Conference 2015

On Tuesday the 20th of January 2015 Hertfordshire Sports Partnership will deliver the second Primary PE Conference in partnership with Youth Sport Trust and Herts for Learning.

The focus for this year’s conference is ‘PE and school sport supporting whole school improvement’ and is aimed at both Headteachers and PE subject leads.

The conference will be opened by keynote speakers: Ali Oliver interim CEO for Youth Sports Trust and Sue Wilkinson Strategic Lead for Association for Physical Education (afPE)

This full day will comprise of a mixture of key note addresses, interactive workshops looking at areas such as ‘How to assess an outstanding PE lesson’, ‘Using apprentices within your school’ and Health & Safety in primary schools’. After the opening address Headteachers will have a targeted workshop followed by question and answer sessions where representatives for afPE, DfE, CSPN among others will be present. PE subject leads will have a choice of 15 practical and theoretical workshops to learn more about the focus areas that are most relevant to their professional and school needs.

Throughout the day there will be a ‘Demo Zone marketplace’ set up where local organisations, projects and National Governing Bodies of sport will showcase the products, services and support they have available to work in partnership with primary schools and enhance the activity provision.

Please click to see the PE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS document to view all the workshops that will be taking place.

Cost: £142 – 2 for 1 when Headteacher and subject lead book on.

To book on to the conference log on to

Training Times – November 2014


Training Times – November 2014 Edition

The penultimate Training Times of the autumn term is in schools, with a spotlight on Herts for Learning’s Governance team. The link to the online version can be found at (or click the picture).

This HfL monthly newspaper has something for governors and staff based in schools, whether looking for a little light reading on current educational news or for courses to further your professional development. It aims to keep you up to date with what’s on offer from HfL, to share news from local schools, explore current issues from the education sector and to inform you a little more about your Schools’ Company – who we are and what we do. Next edition: look out for the HASG Outstanding Governors of the Year as awarded in November!

Extra copies or feedback?

If your chair of governors would like to receive extra copies for the governing body please email Jessica Broadbent who would  welcome any feedback or content suggestions for future editions.

Please contact Jessica Broadbent at with your feedback or if you would like your school to be included.

Herts School Improvement 2014-17

Herts School Improvement Strategy 2014-17Extract focussing on governors’ responsibilities

The Hertfordshire school improvement strategy 2014-17 sets out the vision, aims and priorities to ensure a step change in improved performance for Hertfordshire schools, children and young people for the future.

The family of schools in Hertfordshire is strong. The creation of Herts for Learning, owned by Hertfordshire schools and the local authority, embodies a shared moral purpose and passion for continued improvement in outcomes for all children and young people. The strategy will be delivered by Herts for Learning in partnership with schools and the local authority.

The strategic priorities are drawn from the vision of sustained high achievement for all children and young people across the county and analysis of current performance in a context of a continued national drive for higher educational standards.

The strategy also aims to clarify the:

  • role and responsibility of the local authority in relation to Hertfordshire schools
  • the centrality of good and outstanding schools and system led leadership in school improvement
  • relationship between Hertfordshire local authority and Herts for Learning
  • the protocols and procedures in relation to Schools Causing Concern

The role of the governing body

The Hertfordshire school improvement strategy recognises that governing bodies have a crucial impact on ensuring school improvement whether it is in maintained schools, free schools or academies. This role has become increasingly important as schools gain more autonomy.

In all types of schools, governing bodies need to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • holding the leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its children and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that money is well spent.

Where governing bodies are well organised and focus effectively on these core strategic functions, it helps schools to thrive and they are far less likely to find themselves in difficulties.

A clear strand of this strategy is to promote high quality training, support and challenge for school governance.

Support for governing bodies

Support for governing bodies may include:

  • skills and training needs analysis
  • a review of the effectiveness of the governing body
  • bespoke training, coaching or support from governors with particular expertise
  • evaluation opportunities to identify the effectiveness of the school and governing body over time

Links for more information


HfL launch new Parent2Parent® programme

Herts for Learning - Parent2Parent pilotHerts for Learning launches Parent2Parent® pilot

Parent2Parent® (P2P) is a new and exciting programme that has been developed and is being piloted by Herts for Learning (HfL), to support parents in understanding how to make a real difference to the learning of their children.

As educators, they know that parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has significant effect on educational achievement, and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood. This programme has been developed in response to feedback from schools that have highlighted the challenges parents face in supporting their child’s learning at home.

What makes Parent2Parent® different?

The Parent2Parent® programme lifts the lid on some useful teaching techniques and explores what teachers know about education and how we learn best. The key to its success is that the programme is being delivered by parents for parents. Trained by Herts for Learning’s expert advisers, parents will lead Parent2Parent® sessions and reveal the simple ways in which parents can support their children’s education and aid their learning – both in school and at home. Training will be delivered in a series of eight modules, each focused on a different learning technique.

Three pilot programmes are being run across Hertfordshire during 2014.  The first pilot, involving 15 link schools in Hemel Hempstead and the Link Family Services Centre launched in May and two parents are currently being trained to deliver the first P2P modules.  Two further pilot programmes will run during the autumn term across London Colney and Radlett, with Parent2Parent® launching to all Hertfordshire schools during the spring term 2015.

For further information on the programme, please contact Hannah East at Herts for Learning (

Governor elected to HfL Board

Herts for Learning - SponsorsHerts for Learning Board announces election of new primary phase non-executive director

HfL have released the following announcement:

We are pleased to announce that Graham Lane, governor at Redbourn Infant and Nursery school, has been elected as the new primary phase non-executive director (NED) to the HfL Board as from 11th June 2014.

Graham is passionate about education and brings with him a wealth of experience from the education and commercial sectors.  He is vice chair of the Corporation (Board of Governors) at Oaklands College, vice chair of the business group comprising Hertfordshire National Apprenticeship Service Ambassadors Network and a governor of Redbourn Infant and Nursery School.  In addition, Graham is managing director of a Hertfordshire IT business and sits on several business boards including Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

The vacancy for primary non-executive director arose as John Grubb, governor at Wheatcroft Primary School and chair of the HfL Board, announced he would be standing down from the HfL Board as from 31st March 2014 due to work commitments.

The HfL Board includes six school elected non-executive directors, two council appointed non-executive directors and two Board appointed independent non-executive directors with commercial experience alongside one executive director, HfL’s Managing Director.  Graham will join Kim Frazer and Amanda Godfrey as the three primary phase NEDs