Annual Conference
The Hertfordshire Governors Annual Conference for 2014 is taking place on Saturday 15th November at the Hertfordshire Development Centre, Stevenage. The headline subject is “Your role in Team Governance – Pupils, Progress, Potential”.
Keynote Speakers
- Stephen Drew, Headteacher, Brentwood County High School. (As featured in Channel 4’s “Educating Essex” and “Mr Drew’s School for Boys”)
- Camila Batmanghelidjh, CBE. Founder and Director of Kids Company
Registration and refreshments are from 8.30-9.30am, the conference commences at 9:30 and is scheduled to finish at 4:30pm.
The Conference is free of charge to schools that subscribe to the Governor Training. There is charge for non-subscribers.
Places can be secured only on completion of a booking form and returning it to Herts for Learning; e-mail gov.courses@nullhertsforlearning.co.uk for a booking form and details of the Conference Seminars.