Left to Right: Mike Cresswell, Jim Wright, Alex Hall, Richard Aggus, Nicole Morgan, Colin Crook
The Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference on 19th November was the setting for the presentation of the Annual Hertfordshire Outstanding Governor Awards.
The Spring 2016 round of Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates will be taking place throughout March 2016; there is an evening session for Governors and Headteachers to attend together on Tuesday 8th March between 6 – 8pm (Light refreshments will be served). Continue reading “Spring 2016 Headteacher Update”
2015 Winners Left to Right: Cllr David Williams, Claire Barnard(Winner), Ian Hankin(Winner), Nicky Clarke(Winner), Maureen Bruce (Winner), Mike Scandrett (Chair HASG), Jan Paine (MD HfL)
HASG School Governor Awards 2016
Nominations Open – Winners’ School Prizes Now £1000
The HASG are pleased to announce that nominations have opened for the School Governor Awards 2016. We aim to celebrate outstanding and distinguished service by school governors in Hertfordshire. The winners of these awards will be announced at the Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference in November 2016. This year the executive committee has decided to increase the value of the winners prizes to £1,000.
About the Awards
This is an award for an individual school governor’s work, service or commitment. The nomination statement will need to make clear the specific role that was played by the nominated governor.
You may wish e.g. to nominate the governor who:
regularly goes above and beyond a school governor’s typical commitment,
has successfully dealt with a crisis or has been recently successful with a specific project or initiative, which was driven by the individual governor,
has contributed to improvement in the schools sector – for example, by supporting other governing bodies to improve.
These are only examples and should not be considered as entry categories – other ways of outstanding or distinguished service will be equally worthy of consideration.
Awards & Prizes
Prizes of £1,000 will be awarded to the schools of the two winning governors.
Prizes of £250 will be awarded to the schools of the runners-up.
Each winning governor will be awarded a £50 prize
All nominators will be put into a prize draw and three will be drawn at random and be awarded a £25 prize.