Spring 2016 Headteacher Update
The Spring 2016 round of Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates will be taking place throughout March 2016; there is an evening session for Governors and Headteachers to attend together on Tuesday 8th March between 6 – 8pm (Light refreshments will be served).
If this event is successful, it is likely that more dates will become available in the future – please try and attend to ensure its success, we already have 63 confirmed attendances.
Please note that governing boards are limited to two members per board.
- The Hertfordshire perspective,
- Ofsted & DfE updates,
- Children and young people missing from home or care,
- Dealing with complaints,
- Schools HR update,
- Budget and funding update.

Beales Hotel, Comet Way, Hatfield AL10 9NG
To assist with catering arrangements, please confirm your attendance with Caroline Inglis on caroline.inglis@nullhertfordshire.gov.uk.