FrontFoot News – March 2017

FrontFoot News – March 2017

These March 2017 FrontFoot news updates cover a range of educational areas of interest including matters of policy, media, research and statistics.  This report includes items about 2-tier GCSEs, more free schools, SEND, tracking of social media, writing assessments, careers, breakfast clubs and much more.  Click the links below to go to specific categories of interest; when there, the headings link to the full article. Continue reading “FrontFoot News – March 2017”

FrontFoot News – January 2017

Front FootFrontFoot News – January 2017

These January 2017 FrontFoot news updates cover a range of educational areas of interest including matters of policy, media and research.  This report includes studies on young carers, news about term-time holidays and the new Ofsted chief and policy guidance on SEN funding, computer equipment and more.  Click the links below to go to specific categories of interest; when there, the headings link to the full article. Continue reading “FrontFoot News – January 2017”

MATs, the future of your school?

Herts for Learning - AssessmentMATs, the future of your school?

This conference, taking place at the Fielder Centre, Hatfield, on 28th February, explores MATs (Multi-Academy Trusts), and the choices available.   It is targeted at school leaders and governors who are looking for support and advice on how to secure the future of their school.

The conference, from Herts for Learning, will provide guidance for schools and academies that are currently working through the options available and are thinking of either establishing their own MAT or looking to join an existing MAT. This one‑day event, featuring Martin Post, Regional Schools Commissioner, as keynote speaker, will provide the opportunity to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option and to find out the support available. As a summary, this conference will equip leaders with the right amount of information to move forward and enable the right decisions to be made.

Book or find out more

It really helps you to grasp an understanding of the component parts that need to be considered in deciding which way to go.

To book a place at this important event, go to and use the conference code 16SBM/042A.

Alternatively, please contact Jasmine Smith-Taylor for further information at: