AGM Revises Constitution – 16th November 2019

AGM Revises Constitution – 16th November 2019

The HASG AGM took place as usual at the Governors Annual Conference where, as well as regular items, the Constitution was also presented.  The regular agenda items appeared including a Chairs Report, Treasurer’s Report and the election of the Association’s Officers and Executive Committee for the year. The Committee still has vacancies following the AGM, they meet six times a year in Hatfield; anybody interested should contact Claire Lanni, HASG administrator (see contacts).

The Chair reported on the work undertaken by the committee in the year including arranging Forums & Briefings, Governor Awards and Governors Conference.

Finances were presented and some queries raised including why meeting costs had reduced and about the forum & briefing costs.  The subscription fee remained unchanged

The revised constitution was presented and approved. The revisions focused particularly on Clarifying that membership of HASG is by School, even in the case of Multi-Academy Trusts.

Attached Documents: